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We don't care for fame, factions or fighting amongst ourselves. Our war is a street level war. Our war is fought on our time, on our terms, on the turf of the rich. Written by PERSONS UNKNOWN We have no affiliations! So we don't get caught! POWER TO THE PEOPLE ------------------- Ever had your electricity cut 'cos you couldn't pay the bill? I've had them all cut at one stage or another, Electricity, Gas and now they are charging rent payers for water! (Thanks to Jeff Kennet) So I'll be getting that cut too.. Below i'll describe how to rip these thieves off and show you how to re-connect the services yourself when you have had the plug pulled.. Read on comrades! ELECTRICITY ----------- Ooooooo! Sounds like a line out of Twin-Peaks! Electricity should be free. Tesla (amongst others) proved that electricity was all around us and could be simply harnessed with simple equipment straight out of the air 'cos there is movement of particles in the air, and that movement is energy, and you can tune into it like television and power your house, car, underground hideout, whatever.. The electricity company robs the ground of it's resources, poisons the air, pollutes the entire earth with nuclear waste and increases global warming. The work of Tesla will never be used to power our world while these greedy assholes control electricity. They hold the plug, they have the power.. GIVE ME POWER! -------------- Ok, so you leave the lights on and like to burn the heaters all night, so fucking what.. We are civilized fucking people, we deserve to be warm and see 2 feet in front of us.. Your bills amount to more than you can afford.. What ya gonna do? You Need: Drill, Finest Drill bit you can buy, Long thin needle/pin Go to your power meter and drill the tiniest hole through the top of it. Next, Lower the needle through the hole until it reaches the revolving disk. It should stop it in it's tracks! NOW YOU HAVE STOPPED THE METER! You now have FREE Electricity! WARNING! I suggest you put the pin in just after they have come to read the meter and leave it for 2 months. Let it run for the last month so it looks normal and you can rest safe that they wont read the meter while the pin is there... When you remove the pin they wont see the hole.. It's usually high up on the wall and even if they EVER suspected something a tiny bit of shoe-polish and a blow of dust will cover up any evidence. BONUS POINTS ------------ Well suffice to say, if the meter is inside the house, or in a locked box they cant access it! If you're not home they leave you a calling card and will try come back again. This means you know when they are gonna read it and can milk the free 'lekkie for 3 months.. I still suggest you allow it to run free for at least a week to make it look normal.. RE-CONNECT YA'SELF ------------------ Having the Electricity cut is a right pain.. You sit in the dark, the fish die, the food in the fridge goes green, you even have to take a dump in the dark.. IS THIS CIVILIZED LIVING??? Fret no more comrades! You can connect the electricity up yourself and simply un-connect it when you're ready to pay the bill. They will never know! I've done this a zillion times! You need: Ladder (depending), Fuse (pinch from a empty house/flat) Go to a vacant house or flat or for MEGA BONUS POINTS some fat rich scum's apartment or shop... Go to your target's Electricity box. These are easy to find on Flats/apartment blocks as they are all in one box, with the meters and all inside. These are usually not locked and are at eye-level, so you can open it and take one of the fuses out in 5 seconds.. Pull one of the fuses out. They are usually in plastic fuse containers that you simply pull out.. Some older ones have thumb-screws.. Run like hell! Cos it's light's out for that sucker! Once home, take the fuse (looks like a gun-cartridge) out and locate the fuse box on your home.. If it's a Flat, you'll find it in a box like i mentioned.. (HINT: Units often have this on the property of the First unit - closest to the street.. You'll have to get to it thru the unit's yard..) Houses have this thing where the power cable hits the house.. Easy to locate, but it may require a ladder to reach.. You have to pull the fuse's case out of this.. On my house it faces down and the Electricity guys simply stick a stick into the hole at the bottom, turn it, and pull it out.. You can winch it out easily enough with a insulated screwdriver.. In the case will be a "dummy fuse" basically a plastic tube that allows the case to click in like the origional fuse.. KEEP THE DUMMY! You will need it when you want to pay the bill.. Put the acquired fuse into the case and slot it into place! NOW YOU HAVE THE ELECTRICITY BACK ON! ______________ --------------------------| | Street electricity cable |______________| - Fuse box ____________ |____________| - FUSE \-----__-----/ \________/ - Case cover removed IT'S A GAS ---------- Melbournians are lucky that our state has more natural gas than we'll ever use in a zillion years. Problem is, the greedy few still think that they OWN this stuff and cut cut your supply whenever they fucking want. Having the gas turned off in my place means no heat and no hot water.. This means I turn into a fucking smelly bum very quickly and shiver through the Melbourne weather ..NOT! I Simply go outside and turn the tap on the gas meter and my gas is flowing again!! Find your gas meter and the supply pipe will have a TAP that you can turn with your hand.. This is what they do in reverse when they first cut your gas.. Remember to turn it off at reading time! ___ __________ Gas pipe to house-> Bolt # | | Tap + ------ | | | Supply->------ | | Gas meter ------ If you never get around to paying the gas they will eventually come over and put a plug in the supply pipe.. You can easily remove it by disconnecting the supply pipe and taking the plug out.. It simply sits there at the top of the pipe.. looks like a tennis ball cut in half.. | | - PIPE TO GAS METER | | ___________________ |___________________| - BOLT UNSCREWED \ / \___________/ - PLUG (should be circular shaped) | | | | | | - SUPPLY PIPE | | Remember to replace the plug when you are ready to pay the bill so they wont know what you've done.. FREE GAS! --------- You can diddle the Gas meter like the electricity meter.. Simply disconnect the gas meter from both supply and out pipes and turn the meter around and connect it backwards! The meter will run backwards! do this for 1 1/2 months, then turn it around for the other 1 1/2 months so your meter will go back to the origional number and use it up to bring the reading just above that.. Your bill will be small change! FREE WATER ---------- Turn the water meter around like with the gas... Run backwards for half the reading time-window.. FINAL WORDS ----------- Like any true hardcore anarchist you wont get caught! Even though our humble essential services have been sold to private companies, the law still regards this as "stealing from the people" (what a fucking joke eh?) and the courts will not be sympathetic as you've "stolen from everyone".. I've never had the privilege of being caught by these people, so i cant speak from experience! I have been doing this shit for over 10 years with no problem in Australia, England and USA in any place i've lived for more than a few months.. Anyway, check your bills for the "next reading" date to be sure.. ---------------------- THE END OF CLASS WAR 2 ---------------------- YOU CAN STOP READING FOREVER FROM NOW ON! THE MANDATORY FLAME: -------------------- Fuck phonies! YOU ALL LACK SLACK JACK!